Friday, December 25, 2009

Mind v/s Matter

Mind and Matter( Brain) two things different from each other but very often used interchangably.

The powers of the mind are yet to be uncovered.

Today we have the best of the scientific knowledge and years of research on neurology or the study of the brain. however what we know is only 10 % of what our brain can actually perform. the rest of the powers of the brain is still unknown. There is so much that the human brain can perform that is still not explained.

so how is the mind different from the brain. somewhere feel tthat the Brain is the apparatus and mind is like the experiment. the intangible asset but very valuable and much powerful over the brain. more like a subset of each other. together yet apart.

we are aware of the various functions of the brain and how each part of the body or each activity is ruled by the brain. be it anything from any biological, emotional , physiological need or activity. each and everything is controlled by the grey matter residing in that cubic space between your two ears.

few things that i had read about made me think about this subject . one was the ability of the ancient sages to create miracles. It was no magic but pure utilisation of the powers of the mind.these sagess could create things out of mid-air just by using their highest level of concentration power. the entire universe is made of particles. its only when these particles come together in a specific combination thats when we get what we have. So these sages just used the power of their mind to bring together the particles in the air, combine them in a specific manner and to create materialistic things such as fruits or water.

What these sages did in ancient time does continue even today though in a different manner. practice of reiki or what we call the telepathy are the examples of the power of the mind.

I feel the Human mind is the most beautiful creation of God. Mind lets you think, imagine and dream. The brain shows you the way to acheive it, helps to realise your dreams.

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