Sunday, August 2, 2009

The Unconventional Life

Been wondering about this topic since i seem to be using this word " Unconventional Life" a bit too often these days.
So what do i write.. what the conventional life is and how i perceive the unconventional life to be?
or what i expect from life...little things which are unconventional... or rather people think they are so..
ok.. so whats the conventional life about.... in my perception... conventional life would be.. the typical one.. very similar to the existence of an animal for that mattter or any living organism. you are born.. you fight for survival. for food.. to mate.. for shelter.. and then once ur job is done.. then fine day.. its end of the story.. and teh cycle continues with a new hero or herione..and so it goes on... similar to humans.. there r so many of us.. Who just Exist.. for the sake of it. Maybe even I am doing the same as of now. Just leading a mere existence.. and not leading a life.. these two happen to be very different things..Do we actually understand the difference between the two.. or we do understand but fail to acknowledge it.. maybe due to different reasons... at times it could be that we are so engrossed in the rat race that we often tend to forget to LIVE!!!!
thats what i mean by "Unconventional Life".. a life where you LIVE by your terms. do things that satisfy your soul and not because it would satisfy someone else's demands. (I aint hinting at being self obsessed or self centred and be ignorant towards our duties.)
Somewhere even that "I" is important... need to listen to your heart.. what your heart wants.. fulfill its wishes... thats the way to keep it happy... just live your life by your own rules... make your dreams come your instincts.... live life by the moment.. you never know if you would make it till the next moment.
and if ever there are any moments of distress.. just tell your heart.. " AALL IZZ WELL"".. and so shall it be ....:)